9:33 PM
by Gene

How irritating: Some intern at Kraft Foods must have mentioned something to her supervisor about a Web site -- or more likely
Nick Dorken's been screaming at Kraft five hundred times since the...ECONOMY began, so he gets some folks with marketing on the brain to concoct
an inane Facebook page with a stupid APP!!!!! to which he can provide a link, which gives Kraft a way of sponsoring this vastly overrated blog without appearing to do so.
Of course Nick has been
on top of publicizing a certain unintentional virus spreader, almost as much as SLIME, and really, reading his site is like reading TMZ, except that PEOPLE WARNER doesn't seem to take too much credit for it (understandable), while NICK (under the exquisite tutelage of the fool
B. S. DEFENDER) has been spouting for years of the BIG PROFITS he makes -- or rather, is about to make, but somehow he's had this habit of firing people, which suggests his profits are mostly in the press releases he gets others to run for him. Meantime his alumni vanish into thin air. What happened to that woman who wrote for -- was it the TWXSTERS' newsrag?
All this is another way of saying it is extremely frustrating to feel you're on the outside looking in when it comes to news, and to lack a place or a way of being with the most in-the-know community, especially when you run a blog that no one reads, and no one ever will.