Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

NO HEROES: I'm surprised the hacks haven't tried to make as big a thing of the Obama-birth-certificate malarkey as PROFIT CENTERS like Lou Dobbs. They could say the reason this fraudulent conspiracy-theorizing persists is because His Omnipotence is -- you-know-what skin color, and they can consequently blame the brouhaha on RACISM, and commission one of the those thirty-part special reports on RACE RELATIONS (i.e., why whites are completely to blame) that LORD KOPPEL specialized in. In a tantrum like this scoundrels live on both sides. PILLHEAD and The-Formerly-CEO-Fanny-Kissing Populist are good examples on the one, but when the hacks start in with their Ein-Volk-Ein-Reich routine they can do a pretty fair imitation of mob rule too. And those two frauds wouldn't get the face time but for BIGMEDIA's obsession with PROFITS to the exclusion of all else.

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