Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, August 06, 2009

We know nothing of John Hughes but that the ein-volk people are in ein voice calling him "classic" raises suspicions. (That and he made a star of Ben Frankenstein.) Thanks to a Seeking Alpha link we got this Paper of Re-Cord story starting with two grafs about LEGENDARY WELCH. He was called a classic too, and he made it big in the same decade. When news hacks call people classic check your wallet.

P. S. on 8/8/2009 at 4:00 a. m. John Hughes as Shakespeare; John Hughes as Tolstoy (MOGUL'S FRIEND, natch); John Hughes as Salinger (WESLEY, who will soon acquire A. O.'s spot among moVEE cri-TICS) -- okay, John Hughes as LUKE SPIELBERG. That's my choice. (And that's a quote from Dick "SYNERGY" Corliss, whose six-graf platitude begins with this fatuous line: "Does any current teen out there know who John Hughes was? Anyone? Anyone?" NUF SAID.)

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