Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 29, 2009

"It's all about the notion of believing in something, and it can be whatever you want it to be," says Martine Reardon, Macy's evp [SIC] of marketing.

And I believe -- that R. H. Macy was born in a manger, and that he gave us 50 percent off for our sins. There Martine, if you can believe in anything, so can I.

This is precisely what I have in mind when I say Corporate America doesn't give two cents for its rep; it lets EVPS spout the first platitude in their heads, and that's its wisdom. I'm sure Macy's Inc. is a proud sponsor of...oh, never mind.

Let's try it again: I believe -- David Letterman was born in a manger, and he died and died again telling his Top-Ten jokes so Macy's could bring tidings of joy to its profits.

I am in a rotten mood right now.

P. S. This is off a highly partisan site, and it's from June, but I can't say I'm surprised.

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