Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Sunday, November 01, 2009
This odd story about a dispute between branches of the Gershwin family over royalties shows the limits of permanent copyright. Cretins like FORMER SEN. MICKEY-MOUSE PROTECTION ACT and CONGRESSPOOP MARY "FOREVER MINUS A DAY" BONO MACK have endorsed it. ("Hey maybe Ah cayn't sing a teeyune thahyt wayell but ah cayn shore hum $8 million!") But in time so many people would be fighting over increasingly diminished shares as to make money only for lawyers. Public domain has its flaws, but so does making intellectual property permanent private property. Let copyrights lapse after a reasonable time, then music such as a Gershwins' will belong free and clear to its true heirs -- the people.
(Via the usual AHTSJournal)