Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
These idiotic press releases serve not only as a reminder that news hacks haven't even begun to use their flattery reserves, but also as a combined thumb in the eye to follow the thumb in the other eye of newspaper stock gains. The industry cannot be contradicted. Hey PVT. ZELL! Take your company PUBLIC! The writing's bad enough! Alan Mutter warns that we shouldn't get too excited, writing: "If unbridled cost cutting and raw optimism are enough to save newspapers, they will be just fine. If it takes more than chopping expenses and praying for the economy to rebound – which seems to be the prevailing industry strategy – then, unfortunately, we haven't seen the last newspaper close." Please, your highnesses of newsprint, close more papers! (Art link here. Cute -- although I'm not sure I'd want to play it.)