Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Sunday, February 07, 2010
And if it's CURE-FOR-CANCER SUNDAY it must be Big Double-A-Scribble time:
1. Why should anyone trust his friends for product recommendations? Friends are likely to be as ill-informed as you -- especially if they get their recommendations from the same three sources. Finding basic product information can be a chore even on the Web, not merely for the conflicting advice but for absolutely certitude people shout it out with. Such is certainly the case with iPods. I've been lured by a bargain for a Sony MP3 player on Newegg and looked it up, only to find some people worship iPods and some desecrate them. There seems no reliable thought-out middle ground -- all the more reason not to trust mere friends. 2. It would be apt for The Puzzle Palace of Mountain View to finance the CURE; it would demonstrate for all time it's just ANOTHER BIGMEDIA COMPANY.