11:16 AM
by Gene
Two more proud moments from America's Greatest Group Blog:

The Summit [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
Watch here, Critical Condition, and some NRO-ers on Twitter: @JimGeraghty, @Gpollowitz, @SHSpruiell, @DanFosterNRO, @JackFowler, @richlowry.
I'm @kathrynlopez.
And do follow @NRO.
02/25 10:30 AM

Re: The Summit [Rich Lowry]
Besides all that tweeting, you can comment here.
I agree with Joe46and2 entirely:
This is one area of the debate where it would be better to have no transparency. This “summit” will be about as authentic as a Presidential “debate.” And also just about as useful.
02/25 10:48 AM