Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Saturday, March 06, 2010
It's official: There's no future for movies that aren't theme parks. A simple story about a boy and a girl doesn't need bells and whistles. A movie that's about bells and whistles needs bells and whistles. Because the industry has become America's baby sitter and reaps a huge (and increasingly unjustified) premium for 3D, it no longer needs to make movies that aren't about bells and whistles, though as we've noted obsessively it stopped making movies for anyone above the age of three decades ago. We must nonetheless ask: When does boredom kick in? The dep -- recession can't entirely explain what happened to video games last year. Most likely the people we can no longer call retards will drive them back. But no business that likes to tout its universality can go on making displays of bells and whistles forever, unless it has a suicide pact with itself.