Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
And then there's -- Tom...TASTIC! He's very upset that CABLE NUISANCE NETWORK's showing LARRY KING!!!!! the door. Hasn't he been hinged to the jamb the last ten years? He also reminds us that fawning Jeff Greenfield types made LARRY!!!!! the INTERVIEWER OF THE AGES, conveniently ignoring that his career has been one long self-parody -- remember his COLUMN? Tom, since he's so great can you tell us of ONE MEMORABLE INTERVIEW -- excluding the stroke of genius where he got Raquel Welch to admit Chicago was one of our fifty-two states? Or when he called Ringo Starr "George"? (We all make mistakes, Tom...TASTIC! would say. Why must some people make mistakes on millions of OUR MONEY?) He says his genius "ask[s] the questions 'normal' people would ask and thus want answered" -- so why is he an immortal marshmallow, the favorite of publicists and Henry Kissingers? Don't answer that, Tom...TASTIC! You might write another column.
What grates us about Chuck and Tom...TASTIC! is they both make low-six-digits typing filler. You should both be grateful THE NEWS BIZ HAS FULLY RECOVERED, lest you join the thousands who did NOT deserve to lose THEIR jobs. P. S. This pile of BULLHOCKEY has attracted 211 MOSTLY SCATHING COMMENTS, proof to BROCCOLI and Tom...TASTIC! they're grrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!!