Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

But for our continued bad mood over the Human Rights Stalwarts of Mountain View playing mind games with our hits we'd have posted yesterday about Ernie Harwell. We listened to some of his broadcasts, and the man had a dignity and authority about him behind the mike -- plus by all accounts he was a truly grand guy. We have forlornly counted all the top-notch baseball announcers no longer with us, and now it is down to Vin, and such is the loss that even he can't stop us from giving a big who cares to that sport of zillionaires and mercenaries called SELIGISM, which like an alien life form took over baseball's ghost of a shadow of itself. But once it was baseball, and once it was folks like Ernie Harwell. How much we have lost.

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