7:23 PM
by Gene
Speaking of successes,
this vast one has written a colyumn (not online yet) praising our mayor's attempt at a soda tax. I do not like writing about things employer-related but so goaded I must. As a Cocaholic with nerves and teeth to evidence it I was intensely concerned our City Council would have a mass Profile in Courage and approve the thing. We all agree caffeinated carbonated high-fructose-corn-syrup water is dubious for the health. But to put it in a league with tobacco and alcohol is at best obtuse, with the sort of PC hectoring that underlines such a tax's true purpose. What is more
our guvment paid out millions to bribe Tasty Baking Co. to stay in Philthydelphia. You want junk food? Consider its recent totally artificial imitations of
Yodels. And what guvment taketh guvment can give away. This would have cost jobs -- and revenues to our city's Water Department, where I work. (Guess who two of our biggest customers are?) We might not have lost as much as we made but it's the sort of lawmaking we've been so accustomed to lately, where the three-fingered right hand scribbles a law and the palsied left hand administers it, and there's never the passing of the baton or even a shaking of hands.
Buzz wrote this because he can afford the taxes -- hundreds of times over. Too many colyumnists have gotten the effete-snob way because they're so much better than the reader simps. And Buzz has made millions from the royalties from "
the best book on sports over the last quarter century", and HIS movie, and HIS TV show, not to mention
HIS speaking engagements; so maybe the time has come for HIM to retire, as did
his dear friend that former StinkyInky colyumnist the DOG MAN, and live the life of Riley in Southern Cal, where he belongs -- or better still in