Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, June 24, 2010

If the notoriously misgoverned (and largely ungovernable) New Jersey considers itself better off in a few years' time—if businesses are moving back to the state, if unemployment is down, if the budget deficits are under control, if the balance between taxes and services is more reasonable—Chris Christie will deserve most of the credit. If not--and there's reason to think that might be the case....

We've stopped reading "insider-politics" columns because when they're not CW they're veering one way. Most hacks do not realize many of their turnips do not read one graf after another -- they SKIM (one wonders if JonBoy knows that yet; his CIRC suggests there's reason to think that might NOT be the case), and when they skim they come across very LEADING LINKS like this. Enough rats have abandoned Zeitgeist's leaking ship to prove the old model of telling it from the mountain won't work anymore.

And a DOUBLE-DEMERIT to ANDY for linking to an article behind a PAY WALL.

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