Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Monday, June 14, 2010
Nine years ago, Benny forcefully assured us, the musical FOUND ITS VOICE. That same year, in a show with an ick-provoking title, Chuck assured us the musical FOUND ITS VOICE. Three or four years ago Benny again assured us the musical FOUND ITS VOICE. Why it was just a few short months ago that someone recycled some rock album and Benny (or Chuck) assured us yet again that the musical FOUND ITS VOICE. Now Chuck panics that all of a sudden it has laryngitis. Where have his ears been these last few years? Regardless that most Paper of Re-CORD cri-TICS are senseless you'd think it would occur to SOMEBODY that MAYBE Dick and Larry aren't writing the songs anymore. Of course it wouldn't -- or we wouldn't have the voice-finding GENIUS of the last nine years.
CARLOS THE JACKASS! Put Your site behind a pay wall -- NOW! (Via the usual AHTSJournal)