Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
And since we mentioned that Pew Foundation survey, we must say anyone who relies heavily on certain sources for "information" is misinformed, but in different ways. The geezers who watch the decaying nightly-news triumvirate get a highly diluted version of The Paper of Re-CORD's front page and an unhealthy dose of condescension. Those who rely on the PILLHEADS are misinformed because they get only what they want to hear. Those who rely on the COMEDY CENTRAL NEWS NETWORK are misinformed because not only do they get what they want to hear, when something from the evil forces happens ED and ERIC tend to be very behind the curve, and making up for it with frantic investigative joke telling aimed at ADAM!!!!! may not help the viewers. Of course those who rely on The Paper of Re-CORD know everything. Given who runs PEOPLE WARNER those relying on CNN know nothing.
Happily those relying on the Web are misinformed too because they have to engage in a wild-goose chase skimming surfaces.