Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Goon, ANOTHER COMIC; BAAAAAAAAZ LUHHHHHHRMAN ATTEMPTING THE GREAT GATSBY; THE GREATEST MUPPETS MOVIE OF ALL TIME (nothing against the Muppets, but how great can they be without Jim Henson -- and WITH UB IGER?); THE GREEN HORNET; something called The Grey ("The survivors of a plane crash are stranded in a remote location." Lost?); something called The Guardians ("Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Jack Frost and the Tooth Fairy join forces to rid the world of a boogey-man villain." Does this sound like a remake of a remake of a remake of a....); THE HANGOVER 2; THE HOBBIT PART 1!!!!!!!!!!; THE HOBBIT PART 2!!!!!!!!!!....

We'll NEVER stop doing this! More tomorrow.

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