Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Let us say a news organization noted for perfect objectivity said VIACON's rally was bigger than DR. MARTIN LUTHER BECK's. We'd believe it. When SUMNER NETWORK NEWS says it we DON'T BELIEVE IT. Sons of Murrow, you have so much excess baggage we can NEVER rid ourselves of believing you have an ulterior motive, however pure your intent. And your intent is hardly pure when your boss SUMNER owns you and the organizing force behind the rally. This kind of conflict of interest sticks to the news biz like SUPERGLUE, whatever the story, whatever the source; and in the end it gums us up.

And we can't stand the REV. DR. BECK any more than we can stand the truth tellers of COMEDY CENTRAL NETWORK NEWS.

In the end SUMNER NETWORK NEWS is to the left what FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NEWS is to the right, the only difference that the former makes a showy pretense of being factual, and points to pictures of long dead newsmen on the wall, thinking they excuse its faults. We can count on both to mangle the truth for a cause. And for what it's worth even SUMNER'S old hardcore following has died off; Perky Katie is a distant third. The only good is the audience pie is shrinking, but 20.5 million is still too many misinformed and underinformed by all network news.

Why must so much "news" reporting resemble PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING?

(Via HENRY HONEST!!!!!, who loves such stories because they allow his playpen to go nuts)

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