Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Paper of Re-CORD granted leave to Christopher Caldwell to write a book review that not only affirms Charles Murray's Daily Kaplan piece, but has this extra-added exasperating nugget:

Of the 20 richest ZIP codes in America, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, 19 gave the bulk of their money to Democrats in the last election, in most cases the vast bulk — 86 percent in 10024 on the Upper West Side. Meanwhile, only 22 percent of non-high-school educated white males are happy with the direction the country is going in.

He also says in so many words that Democrats are reactionaries of the left (no surprise to us) and that Republicans are hopelessly inept managing government (no surprise to us after Dubya) -- another instance of that THING WITH TWO HEADS.


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