Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

TAKEN 2; A "RE-IMAGINING" OF TARZAN (so we don't have to call them REMAKES any more!); A LIVE-ACTION REMAKE OF TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES; TERMINATOR 5; TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 3D; THOR; ANOTHER TOM & JERRY MOVIE; A MOVIE BASED ON ESPNCORP'S TOMORROWLAND THEME-PARK ATTRACTION; A REMAKE OF TOTAL RECALL; something called Tower Heist; a movie set in the TRUMP TOWER; TRANSFORMERS 3: THE DARK OF THE MOON!!!!!; something called Trespass, which given it stars Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman might be a challenge to see who'll cause it to bomb; TRON LEGACY; THE COEN BROTHERS' REMAKE OF TRUE GRIT!!!!!; something called Turkeys (a good name for most of these flicks)....

And because thinks definite articles should be alphabetized we have to start all over again tomorrow!

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