Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, October 23, 2010

TRANSLATION: This gag is sheer posturing. Unless BANEHEAD can prove he is not a conventional politician -- and he cannot -- we'll just have a repeat of the last four years with lip-service to fiscal sanity added -- or worse, Realtor Denny's money orgy. Abe Lincoln saw nothing against revolution. When do the people finally revolt against their lame-brained set-in-cement masters?

While NPR has long bristled at accusations of liberal bias, a recent study by the Pew Research Center for People and the Press found that 61 percent of NPR's audience describes itself as progressive, while only 15 percent described themselves as tea party supporters. The difference between parties was smaller but still pronounced: 40 percent of NPR listeners described themselves as Democrats, while only 14 percent called themselves Republicans.

Keach does not tell us when NPNTR has "bristled" or how, but we can see it pulling that Chevron joke. The best for NPNTR to do is meekly admit it's liberal, and say it will do better. Anything else is searing dishonesty.

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