Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, November 29, 2010

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH MOON, BLAH BLAH BLAH ABOVE: And since we're on the subject of lyrics, what sounds like a weighty rag with the avoirdupois of a million tons of feathers has run a 6,056-WORD THINK PIECE on the DICHOTOMY OF PUBLISHING. Having typed about this before we don't need 6,056 WORDS to say the publishing biz is divided between desiccated MFAs recycling their academic careers and hacks recycling the most risible genre fiction. Both put their readers to sleep, the former for the glory of some lower-case god and the latter dispensing a sedative as "entertainment" while lacking the guts to take pride in redefining stupid for their audience. We don't need 6,056 words to know li-te-rah-teeYURE STINKS, and given the sludge oozing from both sides of this grand cultural maw we don't need li-te-rah-teeYURE either.

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