Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, November 19, 2010

...Daniel Boone, Twelve O'Clock High, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Lost in Space, The Green Hornet, The Ghost & Mrs. Muir, Land of the Giants and Room 222....

It's a measure of this platinum age of show-biz that William Self's résumé looks so impressive -- and we haven't mentioned Batman, Peyton Place and M*A*S*H. In their day derided as time-filling bubblegum, as most of these shows were, now they look almost like genius, a tribute to the genius of our time. Will any similarly busy TV producer of today elicit anything but shrugs and "What was that"?

P. S. SUPERNIKKI!!!!! says he was "a great guy", and though we're loath to ever believe her for once we will.

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