Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 14, 2010

If it's Sunday it must be Big Double-A-Scribble Time:

1. Here is a mystery: Why would BUD charge more to BUD? And why wouldn't INBEV-Anheuser-Busch pay whatever it can to get its executives in the luxury boxes and especially so they could boast to the clerks for three months that I WAS AT THE WORLD SERIES AND YOU WEREN'T!!!!!?

Or maybe even INBEV-Anheuser-Busch can realize that SELIGISM doesn't pull quite the ratings it used to? Yes, is -- a puzzlement.

2. SLIME wants to compete with the KAPLAN, INC. division of KAPLAN, INC.?!? Didn't He already burn money on the new big thing called MySpace?

3. "More than ever, we're focusing on contemporizing and making our iconic brands more relevant to today's consumers," said Dana Anderson, senior VP-marketing strategy and communications.

TRANSLATION: More than ever, Kraft Foods wants to waste Its turnips' wages on JUNK TELEVISION.

4. The bad news: The Republicans will try to underfund the FDA.

The good news: Between that and the GOP's caveat-emptorism it's time for Big Pharma to par-TYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!

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