Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, November 22, 2010

A "longtime game JOURNALIST" proves video-game cri-ti-CI-sm has supplanted rock-mu-SICK cri-ti-CI-sm in the annals of BULLHOCKEY:

"Part of the game's appeal is the fact that it delves into the Disney CANON and brings back some of the more shadowy, less pristine aspects of the Disney MYTHOS." [MYTHIC overemphasis added]

Thankfully in typical ad-campaign we-do-our-part we save the less-than-mythic bad news for the TWENTY-SEVENTH of TWENTY-EIGHT GRAFS:

But the game already has one important drawback — its graphics on the Wii look crude when stacked up against games developed for the more powerful Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 consoles, Keighley said.

It won't happen -- but anyone for the mythic ET?

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