Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Much as we hate to talk about that amoral preening cowardly maniacal insect we must ask, which is worse: it exposing diplomats as duplicitous, or diplomats being duplicitous unexposed? Yes, it could do damage in its natural state as a slug dancing on a PC, but diplomats can do their damage with their finely-honed weasel words. That most of what has come out of this REVELATION is CW or "obvious" suggests little of what they say is worth secreting, and that they may have as little sense as this thing from under a rock that unsecreted them.

That it deserves some sort of punishment speaks for itself. (Whether it can be punished is another matter.) But let us not dignify the crawler by screaming bloody outrage. In one of his few displays of wisdom Bill Kristol had the thing right: "never complain, never explain." We did that before.

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