Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Poll: CONSERVATIVES not to blame for Ariz. shooting [Blameless overemphasis added]

When news hacks use polls as a sideways practical joke we think a one-party state press would be preferable.

And what do such polls prove? That each side has its identical crotchets. GANNETTOIDS, go back to running show-biz press releases and SUPER BOWL AD METER ads!

Clearly news hacks intend to drive us insane with this story, the better with which to assert their authoritarian control. The only faint glimmer of hope is that the public hasn't lost its senses.

Unfortunately GCI has come back from the happy days of $2, but it will NEVER see $90 again.

And so I make myself plain: Did SARAH PULL THE TRIGGER!!!!!!!!!!? No. Should the public dump her in the historical ash heap beside Huey Long and other political charlatans? Yes.

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