Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Saturday, January 08, 2011
We've spoken of psychos and guns a million times before; a millionth-and-first will not help. We do hope because a Congresswoman was one of the victims that doesn't give our superiors an excuse to further seal themselves off to the people.
P. S. Much as we hate to bring up such unpleasantness we suspect the PARTY AFFILIATION of the psycho will determine the breadth and depth of the "coverage". We also suspect it will get the profitable borderline nut case KEITH O!!!!! excited -- which in turn might get the profitable borderline nut case the REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER BECK excited. That psychos know no party affiliation will not matter. The best our media betters can do is count to ten -- and then pledge to KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT when the urge for fake condolences and cheap partisanship hits them.