Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Apple to issue Mac update to halt malware attacks

Remember -- Macs don't need security software! Pfffffffffffffffft!

"Mac OS X is no more secure than any other operating system. It has vulnerabilities, and it will let you download and run malware," Miller told Ars. "The difference is that there simply isn't that much malware written for it. The bad guys have focused all their energies at Windows, which makes up the vast majority of the computers out there. However, as market share for Macs continues to inch up, that equation is going to change and bad guys will begin to focus in on Macs, if that hasn't already started to happen. And as I mentioned above, Macs are no more inherently secure than Windows, so when the bad guys decide to go after them with gusto, it'll get ugly fast."

James agreed. "Dismissing this by saying people are crying wolf is extremely short-sighted. Macs are attacked less often, but it seems this is one of the first truly sophisticated malware apps for the Mac. It's not over."

Y-y-you m-mean St-St-St-Steve is a-a-a F-F-FALSE GOD?!?!?

P. S. at 10:57 p. m.

I know a lot of Apple users who breathed a sigh of relief yesterday, thinking that Apple’s belated response finally means that the problem is over. As any computer security researcher will tell you, this arms war is just getting started.

Apple appears to be treating this outbreak as if it were a single incident that won’t be repeated. They seriously underestimate the bad guys, who are not idiots. Peter James, an Intego spokeperson, told me his company’s analysts were “impressed by the quality of the original version.” The quick response to Apple’s move suggests they are capable of churning out new releases at Internet speeds, adapting their software and their tactics as their target—Apple—tries to put up new roadblocks.

If Apple plans to play Whack-a-Mole with these guys, they’re in for months of misery.



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