Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Dance marathons and flagpole sitting exhibitions were typical twenties publicity stunts that seem now almost total in their lack of guile (despite the physical horror and sleazy organizers of the former). Though nominally descended from such affairs this mass equivalent of teasing a child is at best a kind of Beckist or Palinesque populist brain cramp; at worst it's a cynical stunt for making money. We can imagine the organizer jumping on his desk with glee on May 22 at the millions he's raised that he can now use for God-knows-what. That SUMNER and CHEAP CHANNEL are in on the gag alone inspires cynicism. It makes dancing after forty-eight hours look mentally healthy. Hey guy! Why not an End-of-the-World Dance Marathon -- with hundreds sitting on flagpoles to proclaim the magic hour?

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