Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Heat are showing how to overcome enormous hype and deliver on those expectations. For everyone else, it is like watching the bully win.

And that is exactly what Phillies fans hope to see in October.

Such typing with five hands, thirty-one fingers and a third of a brain is why I'm starting to think sports hacks are almost as undeserving of employment as "cri-TICS". They sit in the equivalent of a luxury box with their feet on the desk, summoning the glories of the heavens when their team wins and hellfire and brimstone when it loses, making six digits and nonetheless dreaming of Bristol and the guys writing infinite palaver for SI. Okay Bill or Mel or whatever your name is, the Bullies will win ten straight Series, and you'll quintuple your salary, and a regular-season ducat for the nosebleed sections will cost $2,000. How many others will be happy? And how much will it cost our city's already rotten reputation?


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