Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, May 29, 2011

If it's Sunday it must be Big Double-A-Scribble Time:

1. All these CEOs rushrushrushing to get their luxury suites for the NFL may have saddled their companies with all sorts of unusable promotional materials! "There IS going to be a season", says the "chief consumer officer for Mars Chocolate North America" [emphasis added], meaning the bosses have been on HER case for those 50-yard tickets. "P&G...was aware of the potential for a labor dispute when it negotiated its deal", meaning the bosses weren't going to give up their right to yell at THEIR subordinates!

We sigh because most likely the billionaires and zillionaires will reach a last-second deal. But wouldn't it be nice if they didn't?

2. Jann Wenner: Magazines' Rush to iPad Is 'Sheer Insanity and Insecurity and Fear'

We know He's right, because how many scribblers has HE driven to sheer insanity, insecurity and fear because they haven't met THEIR quota for puff pieces and rave reviews?

3. News Corp.'s Hulu Hope: To Add More Commercials

News Corp.'s REAL hope: To drive away viewers while charging more for the ads!

4. You know Corporate America's leaders don't think they've arrived until they've wasted billions on an unnecessary acquisition -- like PEPSICO buying QUAKER OATS.

Here's betting Indra doesn't get what Her company paid for it. Who REALLY wants Rice-A-Roni and Life cereal? (Even if we like them.)

Quaker today faces some new competition in oatmeal from private label and chains such as McDonald's and Starbucks, as well as cereal, where most brands are down. [Emphasis added]

They couldn'ta done it without ADVERTISING!

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