Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, May 09, 2011

Okay folks, who does this remind you of? The prime minister of a second-rate European nation? Some high-ranking hazy lazy bureaucrat in the League of Nations? Or maybe the president of Belarus? No, no and no: this is only the fifth or sixth most important man in the universe, and possibly ranking ahead of OUR president -- he's PhEEEELEEPE DoughMAHHHHHHHHN, the head of that eternal advertiser crush, SUMNER'S VIACON DIVISION! Of course he's less powerful than SUMNER Himself, as this guy will learn when he's fired. Remember those antioxidants!

If only we had connections, and Photoshop, and the wizardry to use Photoshop, we could devote a whole Web site to a Borat-like fake history of the man -- and we'd wager if someone did that right it could fool some underling of ED MURROW or ERIC SEVAREID. Wouldn't it be just and wouldn't it be just delicious to have Them fall for a hoax!

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