1:24 PM
by Gene
Show biz publicists (i.e., "reporters") spent all day Sunday and yesterday dancing on their desks because THE SLUMP
IS OVER!!!!! You could tell they were extremely happy because they got PAUL DRECK to join in!!!!! Of course someone had to poop at the party, and the someone was
3D. For all the advertising this is bad news because most movies are evidently NOT better in 3D, and in time they'll make the movee S&M phreaks realize they may be worse in 2D. And despite the overseas boom 3D may be a "leading indicator" of worse to come. Don't forget DVDs are pancaking too. Better celebrate while you can, PAUL, DAVID "NON" GERMAIN and company; with luck in time you'll sing the blues.
(First link via the usual AHTSJournal)