Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Speaking of ESPNCORP TELEVISION NETWORK, Tim looks into his cloudy crystal ball and sees:

Four smart and talented people who run networks with a lot of mediocre crap on them.

And dozens of mediocre ADVERTISING VICE-PRESIDENTS who want to finance that mediocre crap!

[T]he networks [are] try[ing] to buy into that Mad Men allure, only this time with viewers.

OooooOOOOOoooooh, I think he means hundreds of thousands of news hacks and cultists aren't viewers! That's an insult!

Noticeably absent from this schedule is anything likely to make you wince (intentionally) or endure bleakness for the sake of dramatic quality.

Repeat after me: Dark is GOOD! Dark is GOOD!

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