Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, May 27, 2011

That zillionaire geek typist who found a scintillating new use for iPhones is being sicced with the deadliest charge of all: the conflict of interest. The whole purpose of the PR (i.e., "news") biz is rooted in the greatest conflict of interest of all: placing your sources first, whether over a political grudge or for selling an epochal new movie. If we're going to prosecute conflicts of interest virtually the whole biz is guilty as charged.

[T]he Times’ ethics policy, within a section called “keeping our detachment,” states that while “Romantic involvement with a news source would create the appearance and probably the reality of partiality,” it’s up to the writer to disclose it to his or her editor, as Pogue did, and that “in some cases, no further action may be needed”....

If we could solve our problems like news hacks....

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