Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, May 19, 2011

This publicity stunt is more exasperating than usual for a few reasons, and that's saying something as the whole point of publicity stunts is to cause mental anguish. First off it's selling an ahthouse picture, one we've obliquely addressed before, and that in the nature of such genius itself sounds like a publicity stunt. Second and more important, the Europeans are mad. This is blazingly hypocritical. Given Nazism's popularity in the old Europe and how so much of the continent's in-crowd is demanding the Jews abandon Israel they really ought not to wear their outrage on their sleeves. We imagine the level of Jew-hatred is quite high in the film business, not that much of an irony as many of its Jews are self-loathing, though God knows with their output they aren't self-loathing enough. This ahtiste should have shut up before the fact; now the time has come for the pretentiously outraged to shut themselves up.

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