Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, May 13, 2011

We did not take as great umbrage at G000,000,000GLEBLOGGER's meltdown as others because eight years have taught us to be wary of its technology and disdainful of its nonexistent customer service, and what with JIM CRAMERS!!!!! afoot this probably won't hurt its still-inflated stock price, but now a lot of people who didn't know this combo in its early incompetent days know its incompetence anew, although a few may try to switch blogging providers, as if; nor will this hurt the imbecilic CLOUD COMPUTING daydream even though this was a worse takedown than's, and should have taught people for ALL TIME you CANNOT trust TECHNODWEEBS with your bytes. Indeed if this massive zap discourages a few people from blogging so much the better. It did show, however, how much at the mercy we are of BILLS and STEVES and LARRYS and others with their vast omnipotence, but the mouse for these elephants is it only takes one little piece of bad code to bring their inflated reps down.

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