Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, May 19, 2011

When NEWS HACKS and their assorted friends suggested that Ah-NULT could traipse his merry way through a resumed fillum career they did so with the knowing smirk, the unspoken but vaguely noticeable assertion that only Christians and other such Neanderthals would begrudge him a shot at making big bucks through bad movees. (Jeff Bock and David Poland, whoever you are -- take a bow!) Well, Ah-NULT appears to have a little more sense than these hacks, which says nothing; in any event we hope for a long, drawn-out, costly divorce proceeding, which means it won't be.

And regardless of what in-the-know veteran lia -- publicists like SUE may suggest, siring two kids a few days apart by may not be a career tonic.

And one would hope too this might not be the end of the embarrassments, chortlechortle.

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