Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, July 28, 2011

We were annoyed enough to learn that our local KFC/Taco Bell raised the price of its $5 meals by ten percent, but insult attended to injury on the cup:

MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS!!!!! LIVE!!!!! 8.28.11 [SIC] 9/8C!!!!!!!!!! [Live overemphasis added]

Meaning YUM! BRANDS is using the money for more Hollywood schmoozing. The company that so assiduously cares for and feeds SETH MacFARLANE has no doubt been conferencing with SUMNERIANS non-stop for weeks imploring them to get a few F-BOMBS on the show, as if SUMNERIANS need be told. A price hike was bad enough; to have a price-hiking company spit it in your face that you're paying more to insult your intelligence is vastly worse. I'm writing a letter to YUM! BRANDS' top marketing honcho but I suspect that will merely get me a platitude from the vast BOWELS of its customer "service". A company that does this almost deserves what happened to Taco Bell.

P. S. Today the outlet had a party for its employees. They ate pizza -- and NOT from PIZZA HUT.

P. P. S. Fortunately YUM! has had declining sales. Unfortunately its chief salary hog thinks they can be improved with more Hollywood schmoozing.

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