8:43 PM
by Gene
I was trying to look up the name of a cartoon for use in a post (something from MGM about fleas in Paris) when I came across
this site, a listing of cartoons censored by AOL for its cable channels. I can see why the company might be reluctant to air some of these when children are watching, and God knows Hollywood put out too many cartoons with blackface, and with ching-chong Orientals; but this same company owns HBO, and as Tom Shales noted in a recent column, its celebrated original programs now air at any time on the schedule, and would certainly air anytime if they were ever syndicated (which, knowing
America's willfully ignorant sponsors, is always possible). If you're so sensitive, King Richard, just put these shorts back in the vaults, or limit their distribution to DVD. This is a disgrace. His Royal Highness already interrupts my sojourns three or four times a day. I should switch to AT&T but rigid habit prevents me. I may yet.