Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, February 08, 2003

Here's why people don't trust news hacks: Drudge posted a link headed, "BUSH AND BLAIR TO GIVE SADDAM JUST 48 HOURS TO LEAVE IRAQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (He didn't add the exclamation points, but he always does, figuratively.) The link was to a Telegraph story headed, "US and Britain give Saddam just 48 hours to leave Iraq." Its opening sentence reads,

Britain and America are drawing up plans to give Saddam Hussein as little as 48 hours to flee Baghdad or face war, if UN weapons inspectors report this week that the Iraqi dictator is still refusing to disarm fully.

That's a few qualifiers, if you ask me. Please guys, don't pull a Hearst on us. No wonder Sulzberger the Junior impersonated Rodney Dangerfield at KU.

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