Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, February 17, 2003

In the days before Gerry the Poet and King Richard, Henry Luce was notorious for his bobbleheaded organization men. You knew it had to have been one of those days at Rockefeller Center when you opened the pages of Time and heard, "Yes boss!" "Oh, you're right boss!" "That is absolutely true, boss!" The magazine crawled with expense-accounted Stepin Fetchits in whiteface. Especially in '52, when Hank single-handedly elected Eisenhower with unspoken threats of reprisal.

So I am not surprised that the tyrant Rupert has an equally bracing effect on his sycophants -- 175 of them. If the Rupe thinks he's proving his manhood a story like this will spit back in his face -- and worse, his actions serve the cause of the appeaceniks, who can now claim the call for war is tainted by the machinations of a disreputable mogul -- Hearst's War II. Good going as always, Rupe.

P. S. Andy S. says, "Abolition of the BBC is essential to any serious political reform in Britain." Yeah, right. We'll sell it to Rupert. Left or right, all big media are about is power.

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