Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, March 02, 2003

People who want an example why news hacks don't know what they're doing should read this New York Times press release about a Bertelsmann schlock spewer. While not as egregious as the LALA Times's recent backscratching of Robert Johnson, the intent is the same: to kowtow to the subject and insult the reader. True the man earns Howell Bonus Points for being black, but the author would probably have slathered on the adjectives regardless because he's in SHOW-BIZ. Here's the clincher: at 2,126 words this piece of bullhockey is almost three times the length of the Times's dispatch on the arrest of the holy cockroach Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. I can already recite the excuses: Well we have no eyewitness accounts! We can only report it second hand! Haven't you heard of feature stories? Blahblahblahblah. Sorry, devoting 783 words to the capture of a leading terrorist, and 2,126 words to hero worship of yet another musical junkmeister, shows (at best) misplaced priorities.

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