Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, August 30, 2003

The EisnerCorp Network News site has another blurb on slut-lit. What's notable is that yet another news hack (female, natch) shows a knack at math. $71 million out of a $23 billion business is a "phenomenon"? That's .309 percent of sales. This is why we get practical jokes over the Iraqi war dead. Who can believe these morons?

One more word: some time back I linked to a story about the 4,938,000th translation of the Bible that summed everything up in one sentence but went on for 500 paragraphs. The same with this story. "Critics dismiss the books as nothing more than trendy beach reads." Isn't that all one needs to know? When these infernal hacks encounter the truth it's always by accident, and it's always buried in the story.

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