Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, September 07, 2003

September 07, 2003........Have you subscribed to Entertainment Weekly today? [ad]

Mr. Buzz is excited that the "respected" newsmagazine Der Spiegel is in "cynical" league with the worst kind of conspiracy theorists, but before we get too exercised, Jeff, what you say about the Spiegel could apply to your friends at AOL Time Warner Magazines (or at BLUNDER, which published the infamous Hitler "Diaries"], whose pusillanimous sycophants have frequently used their power for base exercises in cynicism, whether it's Henry Luce taking both sides on Sen. McCarthy or your former office partners synergistically screaming, "GUNS caused Columbine!" Judging from the history of their flagship rag you'd think the Terror Twins invented the concept of cynicism, and maybe even the word. So don't scream too loud, Buzz. Der Spiegel's outrage wasn't possible without YOUR BOSSES'.

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