Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, October 23, 2003

And speaking of unaccountable media, these two stories point out why nothing less than a blast of radiation from a distant galaxy can change the way news hacks do things. Both stories prove that above all else they have ATTITUDE. "There's a shooting, there's a killing [in Iraq] -- those are all valid stories!!!" screams some polling nitwit at Gallup. "As somebody said the other day [maybe it was YOU talking to yourself?], if the power comes back on and stays on, that's not a story, that's something returning to normal!!!!!" In other words, to paraphrase a cliche, while the rest of the forest grows tallier and healthier, you MUST report on the tree struck by lightning. So all we see are flames. As to OSAMA, the anti-Americanism and anti-semitism are palpable. But the folks in CATARRH know what a dollar sign is, though it be The Mark of the Great Satan. "WE DON'T WANT TO BE THE FANATICS' CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!" screeches the producer of Osama's Greatest Hits, hoping he can get his sponsors back. Knowing ASWIA that shouldn't prove too difficult. I suggest calling Daimler Corp.

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