Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, November 28, 2003

Getting one visitor in two days has not only taken the wind out of my sails, it's shredded the sails, sawed off the masts and infested the whole boat with termites. Is my blog that bad? I wonder if I'd be better off with random typing, perhaps getting my cat to play with my keyboard. Judging from other blogs I'd do just as well. I can't give up; I've been scrounging madly for webdexes and other sites where I could post my address. I'm thinking too of including an e-mail address, but with my luck my first missive would be a death threat. I'm even thinking of pleading with a few of the self-selected biggies just to put my blog on their lists, but that I fear would be the equivalent of sponge listening, and my only replies would be form e-mails; nonetheless I may do it soon. I guess I've made fool enough of myself with my ramblings. I plod on.

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