Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 23, 2003

The KnightRidder Philly Broadsheet Edition, which recently put Bruce on the front page of Saturday and Sunday editions when both were on sale, now lets loose with a blast that would have silenced Sir Walter Raleigh in "1601":

If LL Cool J is hip-hop's balladeer and Public Enemy its enduring conscience, Shakur maintains his status as a supreme urban griot whose gritty, observant rhymes illuminate the plight of disenfranchised black males.

Let us not dance around what this hackette is saying. She is saying, in so many words, that these rappers are The Three Bs. When the ad-blurb copywriters get started with their daydreams, they're saying the objects of their affection rival The Three Bs. This constant puffing, this endless hyperbole, this infinite need to condescend for the sake of "circulation," is why show-biz writing is as crass and unreadable as it is, and why with its current gang of fraudulent automatic typists it will only get worse.

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