Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

I'm sorry, putting Reagan on the dime makes no sense. First off, Roosevelt's on the dime because his battle against polio (or whatever it was) led to the March of Dimes, which helped eradicate it. Second -- and lest we forget bad things happened on Reagan's watch too -- he signed the piece of...LEGISLATION that cleared the way for the budget-busting S&L fraud. "Wehell," he foolishly said in signing it, "I think we've...hit the jackpot!" Yeah. You and Charlie Keating.

And look who's fighting this battle: The oily POWERFUL CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE, MR. BO DEREK, and the CONGRESSMAN FROM HOLLYWOOD. No, you don't want to run into THESE characters in the dead of night in a dark alley either.

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