9:07 AM
by Gene
The PUBLIC EDI-TOR RAISES a QUESTION -- it seems some people inside the BIZ have questioned a STORY about OUR CIRCULATION FIGURES, which leades him to MUSE:
Set aside the question of whether The Times should have stated its figures higher and more completely in the piece. (No, let's not set it aside: Caesar's wife should speak early and loudly.) There's another issue rolling around all these numbers - namely, numbers. Do you have any idea which of the figures I've cited, all of them accurate, are meaningful?
Neither do I.
This would be an astonishing admission if it came from someone other than THE PUBLIC EDI-TOR of
THE PAPER OF RE-CORD. Why should we believe ANY statistics you print? After all, we learned yesterday of
THE TREMENDOUS UPRISING OF BRAVE SOLDIERS AGAINST OUR WAR, and if you can spin a story with mere words, your heads (and the heads of ALL NEWS HACKS) must practically FLY OFF THEIR TORSOS when you use NUMBERS. Why then, MR. PUBLIC EDI-TOR, should we believe ANYTHING YOU SAY, WITH OR WITHOUT NUMBERS, especially when your GOD's objectives are to RULE AS MANY UNIVERSES AS HE CAN, and MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS HE CAN?